Wednesday 4 July 2007

day 31: Albanchez de Mágina to Baena

Strange gale force winds in the night cooled us down drastically and freaked us out a wee bit.. but we still slept a lot! In the morning we climbed right from the off, and climbed steeply for an hour and 20 mins... up to our highest spot yet (see photos - THE SIGN SAYS 1250m)!!!
You might then have thought that the rest of the day was downhill... NOT THE CASE!
Luckily once we got to Jaén (lovely looking city, we´d love to go back for a better look) we found an old railway line turned bike path to speed along (although this also seemed to be slightly uphill). Finished our fairly long hard day with a visit to a frighteningly huge french-style hypermarket in Baena for yoghurt (obviously), then found a fantastic hostel in the old Moorish party of the town.

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