Monday 7 May 2007


So where did this crazy plan come from?

It all started last summer, when me and Claire drove to Italy, stopping off en route at lovely European destinations (see evidence, right). We started pondering about our next trip (as you do).Claire decided we needed to visit an Arabic-speaking country in order to ignite my passion for the language (since I was about to start a degree in it) and Morocco was duly decided upon as the ideal destination.

We had an amazing time driving through Europe, camping all the way (so it was fairly cheap) and it made us realise you really don't need to fly in order to go somewhere exotic on holiday. We decided not to fly again, and go one better by cycling to our holiday destination next time in order to cut our carbon footprint almost completely (except for the ferry).

Then next idea was to get involved in a charity project in Morocco when we got there, and ideally raise money for it through our EPIC CYCLE. In the end we couldn't find anything like that, so we settled on fundraising for WaterAid and shortly afterwards began looking into volunteering through IVS (the International Voluntary Service).

So now we've been accepted onto a project renovating a school in Marrakesh in August, which is fantastic. A really good way of seeing and understanding an area, I reckon!

The time has gone so quickly and things have moved so fast. At the beginning of the year I could never have imagined having such a great adventure falling into place as it has, and having raised over a grand for WaterAid (thanks to everyone who's helped us so far by the way!). And we're off three weeks on Friday!

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